gitlab How-To delete old artifacts in gitlab At times we need to delete old artifacts from gitlab ci builds which are no longer required. It's really tiresome to go on each job page, and delete it manually. I researched on
Devops How To: Send your public IP via mail on raspberry pi reboot There are times when you need your public IP address, that is associated to your Raspberry Pi to do some operations, like check torrent status, access plex or run any other task, that
How-to How To: Block access to AWS S3 buckets, for particular IAM user(s) At times we want to allow/deny access to any particular S3 bucket, for a particular user.Similar case would be, suppose you want to give someone only a read access to your
How-to How To: Allow only whitelisted IP's to access any S3 bucket Recently I came across an issue where I had to whitelist certain IP addresses to have access over a S3 bucket.AWS is really great. It supports granular control over buckets and objects