Recently I ran into an interesting problem where I had to store the height and width of uploaded files in Database.

Now, I had used carrierwave to upload the files to S3. There is a simple shell based command to find out the dimensions of an image with help of imagemagick:

`identify -format "%wx %h" #{img}`.split(/x/).map { |dim| dim.to_i }

The above is a system command and you just have to run it from ruby shell.

Now the catch is that the image ( img ) should be on your local disk, and the files in my case were on S3.  So I came up with the below method to download the files first to local, process them and delete them afterwards as the downloaded files could cover a lot of disk space if left.

# method to download files from remote
def download_file_from_url(object)
  id =
  file_path = object.image.url  # S3 (remote) url of the file

  # conditionally create a folder by id if it doesn'y already exist
  temp_path = Rails.root.join('tmp', id.to_s)
  Dir.mkdir(temp_path) unless Dir.exist?(temp_path)

  file_name = file_path.split('/').last # name to store the downloaded file as
  open("#{temp_path}/#{file_name}", 'wb') do |file|  # call open method of kernel
    file << open(file_path).read                     # store the remote file in the temp file
  "#{temp_path}/#{file_name}"                        # return the local file path

Image.find_each do |image|
  img = download_file_from_url(image)                # get local path
  width, height = `identify -format "%wx %h" #{img}`.split(/x/).map { |dim| dim.to_i }  # perform identification
  `rm -r #{Rails.root.join('tmp',}`   # remove the downloaded file
  image.update(width: width, height: height)         # use the needed dimensions

Now this process can be a bit heavy, depending on how many images you want to process and one may not want to sit idle while all this happens. We can move the entire thing above to a background worker, like sidekiq.

The above code should look something like below afterwards:

class ImageProcessingWorker
  include Sidekiq::Worker

  def perform(image_id)
    image = Image.find(image_id)
    img = download_file_from_url(image) # get local path
    width, height = `identify -format "%wx %h" #{img}`.split(/x/).map { |dim| dim.to_i } # perform identification
    `rm -r #{Rails.root.join('tmp',}`   # remove the downloaded file
    image.update(width: width, height: height)         # use the needed dimensions


  # method to download files from remote
  def download_file_from_url(object)
    id =
    file_path = object.image.url # S3 (remote) url of the file

    # conditionally create a folder by id if it doesn'y already exist
    temp_path = Rails.root.join('tmp', id.to_s)
    Dir.mkdir(temp_path) unless Dir.exist?(temp_path)

    file_name = file_path.split('/').last # name to store the downloaded file as
    open("#{temp_path}/#{file_name}", 'wb') do |file|  # call open method of kernel
      file << open(file_path).read                     # store the remote file in the temp file
    "#{temp_path}/#{file_name}"                        # return the local file path

Now just type the below command to trigger the above worker for all images, sit back and relax!

Image.find_each do |image|